What is the Waste Hierarchy? The 5 R’s

Are you aware of the Waste Management regulations that govern the UK?

A key responsibility for any business is to safeguard the personal information that it collects of its employees, clients or customers as part of its operations. Businesses are also required to implement waste management systems that comply with the Waste Hierarchy regulations put in force by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

What is the Waste Management Hierarchy?

The waste hierarchy is a framework for managing waste that prioritises reducing, reusing, and recycling materials before considering disposal. 

It aims to minimise environmental impact by promoting sustainable waste management practices. Understanding the waste hierarchy, generally done in 5 steps, helps individuals and businesses make more eco-friendly choices.

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle
  • Recover
  • Dispose

Want to Know More? Download the Fact Sheet

Read the fact sheet to:

  • Ensure you understand the Waste Hierarchy and who it applies to
  • Find out what you need to do to comply
  • Understand how the Waste Hierarchy applies when disposing of your confidential waste

Get the Info Sheet