July 09, 2024

20 Proven Methods to Protect Your Online Privacy

According to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, research has shown that “more than 80% of people feel that they do not have complete control over their data online”.

That’s not a surprising statistic considering the growing use and reliance on technology and digital information in the workplace and home.

Unfortunately, cyber threats and data breaches are increasing too. According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2017 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Overview, the odds of experiencing a data breach are now as high as 1 in 4.

What is Online Privacy?

Online privacy refers to the protection of personal information shared or accessed on the internet. 

It encompasses measures individuals and organisations take to safeguard sensitive data from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure. Understanding online privacy is crucial in today's digital age to maintain control over one's personal information and mitigate the risks of data breaches or privacy violations.

20 Ways Businesses & Individuals Can Improve Online Privacy

1. Stay Up-To-Date With Privacy Laws

One of the newest is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which strengthens data protection for citizens who live in EU countries and applies to organisations around the world.

2. Set A Screen Password Or PIN For Every Mobile Device

Any lost device without a screen lock is unprotected.

3. Don’t Use Easy-To-Guess PIN Numbers Or Passwords

Strong passwords avoid patterns and are long. A password manager can help.

4. Securely Shred All Paper Documents That Contain Confidential Information

Implement a shred all Policy in the workplace. Additionally, explore our secure destruction services to initiate workplace protection.

5. Upgrade Your CyberSecurity

Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software. Also, consider using a firewall on all hard drives.

6. Update Your Software Frequently

Keep software up-to-date. In general, most will keep itself updated. Be sure to turn on auto-updates.

7. Custom WiFi Accounts For Enhanced Security

When setting up an internet-enabled device, use a unique username and password not the default. This protects the device from hackers who break into Wi-Fi-connected devices.

8. Avoid Sharing Files on Public Wi-Fi

Don’t share files or confidential data on public Wi-Fi.

9. Use a VPN Connection

In public places, use a virtual private network (VPN) so traffic is routed through a secure single remote server.

10. Take Advantage of Data Encryption

Encrypt data on all mobile devices including USB drives. This will make the data unreadable by anyone who doesn’t have permission to access it.

11. Hide Personal Information on Social Media

Don’t post confidential information on social media. Use the privacy settings to hide personal information such as birthday, home town, etc.

12. Consider Disabling GPS

Websites can identify your whereabouts from your mobile phone. Unless you need the GPS tracking function, turn it off.

13. Two-Factor Authentication

Use two-factor authentication to help keep strangers from accessing accounts. Even if your password is stolen, a second verification step will be required.

14. Protect Your Personal Information

Unless you’ve initiated contact or know who you are dealing with, don’t give out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or over the Internet.

15. Be Aware of Phishing Scams

Don’t open files, click on links, or download programs sent by strangers– it may be a phishing scam and can expose your system to a computer virus or spyware.

16. Turn Off Router When You’re Away

Going on holiday? Turn off a home router unless you need it to access smart devices such as the thermostat or a security camera.

17. Browser Cookies

Don’t use the automatic login feature on public computers that saves username and password. Always log off when finished.

18. Care About Privacy Policy

If you don’t see or understand a website’s privacy policy, consider doing business elsewhere.

19. Wearables Can Share Data Too

If possible, keep wireless settings turned off on wearable devices such as fitness watches, until you choose to upload data to your phone.

20. Professional Hard Drive Destruction Services

Data on a hard drive cannot be permanently deleted or removed. Physically destroy hard drives when they are no longer needed.

Looking for Reliable Shredding Services?

Ensure regulatory compliance for all your paper, media, or hard drive disposal requirements. 

Reach out today for a free quote!